Dance, vocal, playing an instrument, these are the typical ideas that come to mind for talents in a pageant, but not the only performances you can do.

Performing a monologue: This could be something original or from a movie or on-stage production that you love!
Reciting an original poem: Sharing something original gives judges more information about you, it's a great opportunity to connect with the judges and the audience.
Speed painting: This is honestly one of my favorites! The presentation is what makes all the difference, you don't just want to paint fast, but really engage with the crowd.
Gymnastics routine: This is so entertaining, make sure you know if you need to provide a mat or not if you need one!
Cultural dance: a dance from your culture is an amazing way to share more about you to the judges.
Trade skill (like styling hair in 90 seconds): Sharing a skill is so entertaining, let the judges know what you can do!
Ventriloquism or puppetry: Not super uncommon, but not on every pageant stage. If you are talented with puppetry or ventriloquism this is a great chance to show it off.
Cheerleading routine: 90 seconds isn't that much less than the usual 2 minutes and 30 seconds from a cheer routine. Put together a cheer or maybe a short dance, show off your jumps and if you have any tumble skills that too!
Magic show: Amaze the judges with some magic, it's all about the presentation so have fun and make some magic.
Karate or other martial arts demonstration: show off your martial arts skill, maybe even break a board, I know that's always fun to see on a pageant stage.
Baton twirling: Baton twirling is often what's thought about as a pageant talent but I personally don't see it often on a pageant stage, and it's one of my favorite talents to watch.
Rollerskating routine: Pick some fun music and put together a routine, like one would do an ice skating routine! I have yet to have seen this on a pageant stage, and would love to!
Other demonstration like CPR or a science experiment: I have seen this quite a few times, and it's so great to learn about a contestant's talents in an entertaining way.
Juggling: make sure you do it well before you do it on stage, but it is quite impressive when you can do it!
A unique hula hoop routine: this talent is one of the most entertaining to watch, it works well with multiple hula hoops, some great music, and a lot of practice!
Show off athletic tricks (like juggling a soccer ball)
Riding a unicycle: Quite a cool talent, if you know how to ride a unicycle this is the time to show it off!
Aerial silk acrobatics: I have only seen this once, but it was quite impressive!
Skateboarding routine: This is pretty rad, and quite impressive, show off your skateboarding skills if you've got them!
Comedy: A standup routine can be great, but make sure it's appropriate, and not just a bunch of jokes you read online. Make it original, make it about you and your experiences,